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Poems from Pain
This poem was written by a buddy. The purpose for it being
on this page is simply to give the background for the poem, "Response..,"
that follows it. Also, I have always thought it said a lot in a few short
words. The poem has given me a lot of strength, at one point, very ironically.
The subject, "pain is only pain," comes from the book Longknife by James
Alexander Thom, a story about George Rogers Clark. I have Joe's permission to
put the poem on my page..
Pain Is Only Pain
Yes, Pain is only Pain,
And nothing ever stays the same.
So, let us play life's silly game,
Applaud the sun and curse the rain.
Our so-called "goals" we'll strive to obtain,
Some ground we'll lose, some we'll gain.
Victory- so Sweet! Defeat- such Shame!
Life is only a Dream,
And Pain is only Pain!
Joe Ritchison, 1987
Once I read a poem that said,
"Pain is only pain,"
And that life is nothing more than a foolish, obscene game.
We play it for a while with laughter and a smile,
Then, from somewhere deep within, it becomes serious and grim.
We play it with our minds, we play it with our hearts.
What use to be daylight turns to dusk and then to dark.
Why did the world keep turning when I wanted to stand still?
Did I have the power to change it, if I'd only had the will?
Can I ever be the me that's locked away inside,
Or will I always drift with the lonesome, endless tide?
I have seen it written, "To thine own self be true."
But, I'll be hurting others if that's what I choose to do.
I know that pain is only pain, and hope that it won't last,
But, can I stop production, once the mold is cast?
Should I go back and start over, hoping things will change?
Or, should I move forward, 'though the sky predicts much rain?
Do I look ahead to what might be, or behind to what once was?
I wish I knew the answers........but, no one ever does.
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