to the Worlds of the Ramblin' Rose
My Ponderings
Below are just some of my thoughts on the lessons I have learned in life, and some of the experiences I have had. It took me too many years to learn them, but it is better late than never.
Thoughts from My Heart
Sunday, March 17,1996 If we would but spend as much time anticipating reaping the harvest of love, as we spend meticulously cultivating our little gardens of misery, we would be much happier people.
Tuesday, March 19, 1996 For as long as I can remember, I intensely yearned for loyalty, for someone who would "stand up for me", for companions who would uphold my righteous indignation. Not too long ago, I learned a very valuable lesson about that. Indeed, I found those who kindly fortified my beliefs that I had been wronged, who rallied round with sympathy and/or anger (as needed), who validated my anguish. How sweet was the feeling that people really cared enough about me to acknowledge that I was an innocent, caught up in a web of pain that I definitely did not deserve to be in! I will never forget the looks of compassion, nor remove from my heart the joy of knowing someone did care. But, sadly, I learned that for loyalty to exist, a battle of some sort must take place. Sides must be chosen. Someone must betray me. And, I am quite capable of filling myself with self-righteousness. Those are all very ugly things. I do not want to feel "loyalty" again. Rather, I would hope that I could address conflicts with truth before they become battles. Honest attempts at peace, understanding, and truth are more valuable than a cheering section! Let us honor those who play on our stages, whether they portray ally or foe .
Tuesday, March 19, 1996 One day, as I was observing an acquaintance tell the same old sob story, I realized, that over my lifetime, I, too, had spent an exorbitant amount of time wishing someone would take notice of my pain. I realized that I had often mistaken pity and sympathy for love. It seems to me that the same things hold true for many of the people I know. I wonder just how many of us do confuse love and pity? As I look around me, I think the answer would include a large portion of our society, maybe as large a portion as those who confuse sexual attraction with love.
Tuesday, March 19, 1996 I was talking with a woman who I knew had recently met a dear friend of mine. I was sure she would not know him by name, but I described briefly the conditions of their meeting. I then set about to describe his physical appearance. I could tell her his approximate height and body size. I could expound on his glorious mane of hair. But, when I started to tell her the color of his eyes, all I could say is that they are the color of compassion. You can sing your songs about blue eyes, or about brown eyes. As for me, I want compassionate eyes, too.
Wednesday, April 03, 1996 When I took training to be a dive master for recreational diving, one of the requirements was the blacked-out mask swim. For this exercise, we worked in pairs. One diver had a full set of gear, including air tanks. The other diver had only a mask, and it had been completely blacked out. Only one air regulator was used for the two divers. The diver in full gear was responsible for taking the "blind" partner safely down the length of the pool. More importantly, the swimmer with air had to share it with the other. That meant only one person at a time could breathe. As I recalled this experience a few days ago, the effort of passing that test had faded. It had been a very difficult drill for both my partner and myself. What I did realize, instead, was what an exercise in faith that had been. It was difficult to rely on an unseen force to provide me with life-giving air. It was, literally, blind faith! Applying this to spirituality, I often find myself trying to call the shots in my life. How hard it is to trust that a force, which I will call God, is there, holding the breath of life for me. How often I must tell myself to relax and know that all will be taken care of. Yet, it always is. I have had a good and just share of air, not just enough to stay alive, but an excess with which to grow. The times when my heart and eyes are closed, are the times The One swims me safely to the other end.
Saturday, April 06, 1996 For most of my life, I had been totally unable to accept a compliment. Those I was capable of acknowledging, I found myself qualifying . One day I met another human being who seemed to be even less capable of excepting the good in himself than I. I wondered what kind of mirror he was looking in. Why couldn't he see all of the marvelous things that I saw in him? In addition, I felt frustrated when the compliments I gave to him were rejected or belittled. Soon, I started realizing that, just maybe, I might be in the same scenario, myself. Maybe I was worthy of the kind words and praise I had been given over the years. Maybe, I, too, was a viable human being. I can now say, "Thank you!" when a compliment is directed to me. I no longer have to tell anyone how unworthy of their praise I am. You see, one person did in a few short months, what I could not do for myself in a lifetime. He held before me a mirror that showed my inherent good. No matter that everything about me is not perfect by society's measure, no matter that I have behaved improperly at times, or caused pain to others, or have done too little or too much, there is still much about me which is wonderful. To deny those things is to deny the gifts with which God has graced my life . Meeting my mirror is one of the greatest gifts I have received.
Saturday, April 06, 1996 I have learned to honor silence from those who talk incessantly. I have learned to trust from those who are paranoid. I have learned to be honest from those who cheat. I have learned to bend from those who are rigid. I have learned to hope from those who despair. I have learned tolerance from those who judge. I have learned peace from those in turmoil. I have learned compassion from those who are cruel. I have learned to allow free choice from those who control. I have learned to be bold from those who fear. I have learned to walk from those who stand still. I am both student and teacher.
Sunday, April 07, 1996 I find very interesting the destinations of the many pathways we follow during our lifetimes. One of the greatest paradox of my life was this: As a child and teen, I walked a very rigid path of devout religion. It was much later in life that the road I traveled, while proclaiming myself an atheist, led me to a Higher Power with whom I felt the love and freedom that was missing in my youth. Most everything I ever said I would never do, I have done. In so doing, I have lost most of the self-righteousness I knew as a young person. In it's place, I have gained understanding and compassion. It was a harsh road to travel, but well worth the bruises.
Monday, April 08, 1996 It seems to me that in our society, those who are optimists, who are cheerful and joyous, are looked upon as freaks. Isn't it sad that, so often, we feel we must hide our joy or good fortune in order to fit without ridicule into the groups around us? We may arise in the best of spirits, only to succumb to groanings and belittlings when we find ourselves in the midst of other complainers. Instead, we might strive to bring them up out of their bleak outlooks on life. I have learned one thing about hiding my joy. At times I have had intense amounts of bliss, but for various reasons did not think it permissible to share. So, I suppressed those feelings. What I found to be true for me, is that when I turn such an intense emotion inward, it will come out in one form or another. For me, it is in an equal and opposite force of sadness. What a different world we would live in if, instead of deeming them phonies, we would concentrate on emulating those bubbling fountains. Surely, we all know at least one!
Tuesday, April 09, 1996 Reality is quite irrelevant. It is our individual perceptions that color our vision and key our hearing, thereby dictating which emotions are stirred.
Wednesday, April 17, 1996 I was going to tackle carpet-laying for the first time. My grown son was home for a little while on the day of the big project. Of course, I tried to lay the old mother/guilt trip on him, since I had no one to help me. He said he was sorry, but the wife/guilt trip could out-do me! We had a laugh, and I told him not to worry. I had watched my ex-husband and a friend lay carpet, and was sure I could do it, too. My son said, "Sure you can!" I thought he was being cynical, so I asked him why he said that. He said, "Because you can! All of my life, anything you ever wanted to do, you just did it! I know you can lay carpet!" In many areas of my life, that is so very true. The things I do best are the things I do without questioning the possibility. I just do. There is another area which has often brought personal achievements. That is the category of: "Things You Can't Do Because You're a Girl....." Naivete and Challenge--two of life's most powerful driving forces.
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 If you have ever sat alone in the dark of night with the eerily soothing calm of cold steel against your cheek as you wrestled with whether you had the courage to pull the trigger, or better yet, the courage not to; then, realize you are still here to read this because your life has a purpose. Perhaps, it is to use your experience to help others through such a period of despair. What are you waiting for? Get out there and use your gift of life!
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 Do you believe in Magic? You know, the kind with pixie dust and fairy wings and moonbeams in your heart? If not, try my favorite recipe sometime. Ingredients: (1) warm summer night; (1) back yard or other open space, perhaps out West; (1) skyful of stars; (1) sleeping bag; (1) pillow; a handful of night sounds; an occasional breeze; and the smell of your choice of newly mown grasses, sawed lumber, or flowers. Lay sleeping bag and pillow out in open space beneath starry sky. Snuggle down inside bag and turn face toward the heavens. Feel gentle breeze caressing your face. Tune ears into the sounds of the night. Take a deep breath, then revel in the sweet smells. Throw in a pinch of fog (optional). Feel the dew settling on your skin, hair, and blanket. Enjoy sensory satiation as you gently drift off to sleep. You will then know that Magic does exist! This recipe serves 1-2.
Friday, April 19, 1996 Reach for the stars! Even if you miss your goal, the stretch will leave you a bigger person.
Saturday, April 20, 1996 With your first step in opposition to your personal belief system, the gates of hell crack open just the tiniest bit, opening wider with each step. It is when you walk hand-in-hand with yourself that the windows of heaven open and the blessings flow.
Saturday, April 20, 1996 When you put someone on a pedestal, there is a great chance that they will fall off and land right on top of you. Both will be bruised. The lesson learned is not about your fallen idol's faults or demise. It is about yourself. Whatever quality you so admired in that person is something you have inside yourself but can not acknowledge. It takes their fall from grace to allow you to feel that you are as good as you thought they were. The lesson to learn is that we are all brothers and sisters, no one better than another. Rather than sitting beneath those you admire, walk side-by-side with them.
Saturday, April 20, 1996 I credit two people with saving my life; my friends, Judy and Gary. Gary gave me something to make sure the life he saved was worthwhile. Over and over he hammered "The Prayer of St. Francis" into my head. If you don't know it, find it and make it your personal prayer. I guarantee if you ask to be used as a channel of light and love to help others, it will happen, and you will be blessed along the way.
Saturday, April 20, 1996 Too few people are familiar with the house rules of The Game of Real Life. It is one game of chance that allows you to cash in your losses, as well as your winnings. You have two options for trading: (1) You may cash in your losses for a license to be mean, to hate, to wallow in self-pity, and to begrudge the good fortunes of others. (2) You may trade in your losses for tools of compassion and understanding, that from the ashes of your misfortune, you might build up new lives for yourself and others . You may take your pick immediately, or you may accumulate and compound interest on your choice. Keep in mind, it is legal to exchange option #1 for option #2 at any time. This is a very advisable move. Good Luck and Good Life!
Saturday, May 04, 1997 Midnight's Running Midnight's running toward the dawn To greet the sun with open arms. Leave behind the dark of night. Rejoice while walking in the Light! Forget the rain...ignore the snow! MAKE your sunshine where e'er you go! Open your heart, let others in. Spread your wings and soar the wind. When you find someone in need, Turn on your Light, and take the lead! If at dusk you feel forlorn, Remember the sunshine in the morn! Rosie 5/4/96 written for my cyber friend, iceman
Wednesday, June 12, 1996 Not every sentence ends with a period. Sometimes we must end with a question mark and then go on to the next sentence in the story.
Saturday, August 10, 1996 Have you ever opened your mouth to speak, and the words that escaped your lips were a complete surprise to you? You did not realize at all that you thought what you just expressed? Could those uncomposed statements be the teachings of your higher self?
Saturday, August 10, 1996 Before you insist that another person stop to smell the roses, consider that they might find other flowers more sweet.
Friday, 06 September, 1996 I am often annoyed by people who use that old cliche, "Be careful what you wish for!" Oh, it is a valid warning, but I believe most of the people who use it do so out of fear, not from wisdom. For instance, if one is reluctant to ask to learn patience because he is afraid that he will have to experience great trials and travails to do so, he is not living his life to the fullest. He is, indeed, cheating himself. I am just learning how powerful our creative minds are. I am a recovering alcoholic. As part of my healing, I tried desperately to learn to meditate....something that evoked visions of white-robed Eastern practitioners with shaved heads. I hadn't the foggiest notion of how to meditate. My mentor suggested I just think of a safe place to go in my mind. I had just come out of a marriage that was marred by rage. No place I could think of really felt "safe." Then I read a book that said I could make up a safe place. (You see, in the early part of my recovery, I had to be led every step of the way.) And so.....I created! I envisioned a lovely dome under the sea. Inside it were beautiful flowers, white wicker furniture , lovely scents and aromas, and , on the occasions when I felt lonely, a very handsome man. And it was so safe and inviting. There I would go for my meditations. I had been to the ocean only twice before this time. A year and a half later, I took up scuba diving. I went to Grand Cayman Island for my certification dives. How wondrous and beautiful that underwater world was! How soothing, peaceful, and free ! It was not until I came back home that I realized I had just visited the place I had created for my meditation safe-place, sans glass dome, of course. I was in awe to know that I had created that and brought it forth into my life. Two years after that, I was in the mystical country of Peru. There I met one of the most handsome men I have ever seen in person, and I had the pleasure of spending a couple of days in his presence. It wasn't until about three months later, as I reflected upon those days, that I remembered the dome under the sea...and the handsome man who sometimes accompanied me. Believe it or not, I met that very man in the Peruvian jungle! The moral of the story is: Don't be afraid to wish, nor to ask for patience. For if you have patience, you may see your own creations come to life!
Friday, 06 September, 1996 It is only when one accepts death as natural and as a beneficial release of the spirit from the bondage of body that she becomes free to live.
Friday, September 06, 1996 Have you ever noticed how many people profess to have great faith in God, yet must have their hands in everything, trying to manipulate the outcome? Aren't these two things contradictory?
Friday, September 06, 1996 There is a great difference in self-degradation and humility. Self-degradation opens the door for others to believe they can walk on you as you classify yourself as inferior. It also implies that the Creator made a mistake when She made you. Humility keeps you from trying to pull that trick on others, as you realize the divinity of all beings.
Friday, September 06, 1996 I used to agonize over the words I would say in a conversation I hoped to have. In my mind, I would go over and over the things I would say to my correspondent, trying to imagine what their response would be. I would dream up sentences that I thought would be just the right ones to elicit the response I was hoping to get. When the time came to actually hold the conversation, it rarely went the way that fit the drama I had created in my head. My hoped for manipulations usually failed. I still agonize over my words, still try to carefully choose what I will say if given the opportunity. However, now I choose words based on what I think would cause the least harm or pain to another individual, rather than what would produce my desired outcome. It is my goal to let go even more and trust that my words will be guided to produce the most beneficial outcome for all parties involved, knowing that I don't really have the power to determine whether or not my words will sting. As faith grows, so does the ability to let go. As I let go, the probability of receiving the best outcome increases proportionately.
Saturday, September 07, 1996 Recently I have noticed that whenever I am feeling down and maybe a little less than worthwhile, perhaps wondering what I am doing with my life and feeling a bit sorry for myself, God always sends a messenger to remind me what a blessed life I have. I wonder how long this has been going on! Do you suppose this has been happening all of my life and I was blind to it? How about you? Are you looking and listening for your messengers ?
Friday, September 27, 1996 The other day a friend and I were talking about an incident that happened to him a while back. A person had verbally attacked him. He holds a position other than his job that requires him to be quite diplomatic most of the time. He made the statement, in his hurt and frustration, that he wished he did not hold his position so he could really let go on the other person in response to their attack. I calmly told him that since he was a spiritually evolving being, as we all are, that perhaps the lesson he was to learn was not about him as the holder of said position, but rather, him as a person, period. Bingo! Why hadn't I realized that about myself, too? Today, I had the opportunity to mull over this lesson, myself. I was angry because a co-worker was getting under my skin and I wanted to say something to him. Instead, I thought, "I can't say that to him, because I am in an elected position to serve him." Then I remembered the words that came out of my mouth about my friend's predicament. Why is it that we feel we must be nicer when we are in leadership roles, than when we are just being ourselves? In truth, shouldn't we strive to always behave the same whether in the limelight or not? What would make lashing out at someone any more acceptable while out of my leadership role, than while in it? The answer...NOTHING! So I must keep in mind to behave in such a manner from now on.
Sunday, January 05, 1997 (a letter to a friend) Hiya, ********! How were your holidays? I hope they were marvelous. I am sending you a quickie before I go to bed for the night. I think you'll laugh your ass off at this one. It's one of my travel adventure stories. I just got in last night from a diving trip (Christmas Eve to New Year's Eve) in Belize, in Central America. All in all, it was not my best trip ever. There were several little aggravations, and the diving wasn't as great as I had expected it to be. I felt more lonely than usual on this trip. Usually, I kind of enjoy traveling alone. Maybe it was because of the holidays, and the fact that part of the reason for the trip was to try to escape the loneliness I often feel at Christmas, that instead of escaping it, I ran headlong into it. I felt so conspicuously alone, and had a difficult time finding anyone to connect with at any level. On my next to last full day on the island (Ambergris Caye), I sat in my room and had this talk with (I should say AT) God. I said, "God, I know that I am creating this lonely thing for myself, but I am miserable and feel so all alone here. Please send someone before I leave this place so that I don't feel like such an undesirable human being." Well, the day went on like all the others. As supper time rolled around, I did the usual looking for a place to eat thing. As always, the most desirable places were packed. Of course, the waiting time for a table for one was always quite lengthy. Little profit, you know. So, I was going back toward the place I was staying, feeling a bit disappointed that my prayer request had not been answered in the manner I had hoped. As I went down the last turn at the edge of town, I stopped to look at the outside menu board of a little restaurant I had not eaten at before. It was the last restaurant for a half-mile. As I was looking, the waiter came out and bade me to come inside and eat. So, the fare looked tasty, and I went in. The tables in these island restaurants are like our Wal-Mart plastic patio furniture, for the most part. There were 4 or 5 small tables that would seat 4-5 people, and one very long table that would seat 8-10. Wouldn't you know, the only place there was for me was at the huge table. Talk about feeling conspicuously alone!!!!! So, I sighed to myself, resigned that I have much more inner work on my feelings of aloneness, self-esteem, connection with the Divine, or what-ever, and took my rightful place at the head of that empty table. The irony replaced the sadness, and I started on my bread and salad with a bit more acceptance of the situation. Soon, I heard the waiter say, "I can seat four of you at this table, and five of you at that one at the other end of the room, but I don't have room to seat you all together." I looked up and saw that a couple of the tables had cleared out since I sat down, and a large group of people had come in. So, I stood up and said, "Here, let me move to this small table, and I think you would have room for everyone at this big table. I sure don't need all of this room!" The waiter said, "Oh, would you? You really wouldn't mind?" And he thanked me, and the group thanked me. Then, they said, "Why don't you join us?" I answered that I would LOVE to join them, and I did. Well, I looked around that table, and that large group was all MEN, and handsome men they were!!!!!....from San Francisco....GAY men from San Francisco. They were a blast! I just kept thinking that you would be eating your heart out, and I wish you could have been there. I mean, there were Nine, so one of them must have been alone. There was a doctor, a lawyer, a waiter, a hairstylist, a CPA, a PR man for off-Broadway productions, one kind of between careers, one who said, "I sell things, but I won't elaborate on what,"...to which another answered, "Yeah, me! He's my pimp!" So who knows! They kept me in stitches for an hour or so. I was supposed to go see them the next evening if I got back from my jungle excursion in time. I got back a little late, and decided that maybe going to the penthouse suite of 9 men was not such a smart idea, although they seemed so nice. I had put myself in a really precarious situation earlier in the week, and literally prayed that I could get out of it without being harmed. (I was really frightened. Something so stupid to do, that I don't know if I'll share it with my friends.) I thought I best not risk getting into another one. After all, my prayer had been answered. I had company for the evening...LOTS of it. I was able to let go of the feeling of being alone and unlikable. And I was able to say THANKS for an answered prayer. That big empty table was very symbolic. I was looking at it as a sign of resolution to entrapment in my solitary world, a flagrant indication that I was to be on my own. In actuality, I had asked God to please send someone. I had to have a place for them to sit to join me, now didn't I? If there had been a small table available when I came in there would have been no room for nine new friends. On her way out, one woman stopped and said, "I was thinking of asking you to join us, since you were all alone, but looks like you did okay." I told her of my prayer, and she said, "And look what you got!!" We all busted out laughing. And I just kept thinking, "Thank you, God," and "******** ain't gonna believe this!" Hope you enjoyed the story. I wish I had had my camera with me. Our taste in good-lookin' guys are close enough, I know you would have enjoyed sitting there. Love and Peace! Rosie |
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