The Musician
I heard him when he said he had paid a pretty price,
If he hadn't chosen music, he just might have a life.
I wondered what those words meant as they floated on a sigh.
Had it cost him the traditional family, home, kids, and wife?
You cannot choose the music, the Music chooses you.
Though other beaus may woo Her, it's you to whom She's true.
To some She gives an audience, just to entertain
But for Her faithful lover She pulses through his veins.
For don't you know, Musician, the value of your path?
Hope springs eternal, as long as the music lasts.
If a day should come that all melodies are gone,
There would be only darkness, never sunshine in the morn.
When you wed the Music, She gave you a special gift,
A powerful gift of Magic, to do with as you wished.
By blowing on your horn, a sensual melody
You turn the down-trodden housewife into her fantasy.
You can take a heavy heart and make it oh so light,
You can make the sun shine in someone's darkest night.
Tapping feet, swaying shoulders are all at your command
The Magic and the Music lie within your hands.
Musician, your life is rich. You're a special chosen one.
The joys you bring to others last after the song is done.
Many a memory lingers in minds you'll never know,
From a time the Music touched someone who was sitting at your show.
Maybe you 've made some choices that have caused you great, great pain,
But, oh, my dear Musician, your life is not in vain.
Embrace your mistress, Music, and listen while she sings
For She's the highest angel that God has given wings.
Written for Jim Kirkman
Rosie 3/15/97